Tuesday, August 28, 2018

5 Myths on Glaucoma by Your Singapore Eye Surgeon - Steve Seah

Glaucoma is a progressive disease characterized by fluid build-up in the eye, resulting in excessive pressure in the eye and damaging the optic nerve. Left untreated, it can lead to vision impairment or even complete vision loss. Though the condition is common, particularly as a leading cause of blindness in the elderly, there are still many myths surrounding its cause and treatment.
Here are the most common myths about glaucoma:

Myth #1: Glaucoma affects only the elderly.
Fact: Though the risk of developing the disease is higher in those who are 60 years old and above, the reality is that it can affect anyone regardless of age, gender and ethnicity. In fact, one in 10,000 babies are born with glaucoma, while some people, both young and old, can acquire eye conditions leading to secondary glaucoma.

Myth #2: Glaucoma is curable.
Fact: There is no known cure for glaucoma and no way of restoring lost vision. However, there are medications and treatment options available that can help slow the disease, preserve vision and improve quality of life.

Myth #3: Glaucoma has early warning signs and obvious symptoms.
Fact: Glaucoma is known as the “silent thief of sight” because it can go undetected until it is in its advanced stages, when the damage done is already extensive. Having 20/20 vision is not a guarantee that you are not at risk of developing the eye condition. The only way to be safe is to have the optic nerve checked by an ophthalmologist. 

Myth #4: Glaucoma is strictly genetic.
Fact: Family history only increases the risk of developing glaucoma. It doesn’t mean that you will automatically contract the eye condition if you have a relative who has/had it. There are also cases where the patient is the only one in his or her family who has glaucoma.

Myth #5: Glaucoma is only caused by elevated eye pressure.
Fact: An increase in eye pressure, known as ocular hypertension, doesn’t necessarily mean that you have glaucoma. On the contrary, there are people who have normal-level eye pressure, and yet have severe glaucoma. The eye condition can also develop from poor blood flow and injury to the optic nerve.

Steve Seah Eye Centre offers a comprehensive list of services for eye screening, and accurate diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, cataract, diabetic retinopathy and other corneal conditions. To book an appointment at your Singapore Eye Cliniccall (65) 6565 6888.