Thursday, May 30, 2019

Do I Need Glasses? Watch Out for These 10 Signs – Dr Steve Seah

Having trouble reading road signs at night? Has your vision suddenly gotten blurry? It may be time to get glasses.

Nowadays, having poor eyesight is not at all uncommon. It can be caused by many things, from age and genetics to bad habits and eye illnesses. Fortunately, most cases of refractive errors can be corrected with a simple eyeglass prescription. Here are 10 signs you need to visit your ophthalmologist and get a pair of glasses:

  1. You find yourself constantly squinting to get a clearer image of an out-of-focus object.  
  2. You experience eye fatigue, strain or pain even after getting enough rest or sleep, or even if you’re not diagnosed with an eye infection or other health issues.
  3. You get frequent headaches caused by constantly straining the eyes to see better.
  4. You have blurry or distorted vision, which are signs of nearsightedness or farsightedness.
  5. You are seeing double, which may be indicative of astigmatism or cataracts.
  6. You’re having trouble seeing at night, specifically while reading or driving.
  7. You often see halos or auras around lights, especially at night.
  8. Your eyes find it difficult to adjust to sudden light changes.
  9. You have trouble watching TV, using the computer or reading for a prolonged period.
  10. You feel pressure behind your eyes, which might indicate glaucoma.

While some of these signs do not 100% mean you have poor vision, they do tell you that you are due for a trip to your ophthalmologist. Your doctor can help determine if you have poor vision or an underlying eye disease, as well as prescribe the best course of action.

If you want to have your eyes checked and check out the possible treatments for poor vision, call senior consultant ophthalmologist Steve Seah at 6565-6888 today.